Youth Power
The consortium brings together 4 organisations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany and Spain, each of them with specific expertise in the youth education field.
The transnational cooperation between public & private sectors is strengthen through the involvement of associated partners, where public institutions will ensure sustainability of the Youth Power outputs.
The project duration is 18 months, calculated in order to implement correctly the planned action and achieve the project objectives.

Main activities
The development of Training Programme “Culture, Civics & Group Coaching for Disadvantaged Youth Empowerment” for youth educators in 5 languages;
Blended mobility where 24 young participants and youth workers from the partners' countries will exchange knowledge and jointly work to develop the planned training units;
Pilot tests with 120 vulnerable young people in 4 EU Member States;
Local/regional dissemination events, where total of 110 representatives of the target groups are expected to assist;
Creation of Youth Power cross-border cooperation Network, website and project social page.

Online meeting
The Youth Power coordinators from Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany and Spain celebrated an online kick-off meeting earlier today, to plan the project's upcoming activities, tasks and responsibilities. New Youth Power outputs are coming soon. SALTO-Youth Participation & Information Erasmus+
Die Youth Power-Koordinatoren aus Bulgarien, Kroatien, Deutschland und Spanien feierten heute ein Online-Kick-off-Meeting, um die bevorstehenden Aktivitäten, Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten des Projekts zu planen.Neue Youth Power Ergebnisse sind in Kürze verfügbar. SALTO-Youth Participation & Information Erasmus+

Joint staff training
Joint Staff Training: 20 youth trainers and workers from Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia and Spain assisted and jointly worked on the training modules previously prepared by the partners.
Joint Staff Training: 20 Jugendtrainer aus Deutschland, Bulgarien, Croatian und Spanien unterstützten sich und arbeiteten gemeinsam an den zuvor von den Partnern vorbereiteten Schulungsmodulen.
Momina krepost, Bulgaria 7.2021

Staff meeting
The key project staff joined to discuss the project progress and review all tasks and activities.
Die wichtigsten Projektmitarbeiter kamen zusammen, um den Projektfortschritt zu besprechen und alle Aufgaben und Aktivitäten zu überprüfen.
Madrid, Spain 5.11.2021

Staff meeting
During the meeting in Papenburg the partners discussed about the pilot workshops and the organization of the multiplier events.
Während des Treffens in Papenburg diskutierten die Partner über die Pilotworkshops und die Organisation der Multiplikatorenveranstaltungen.
Papenburg, Germany 03-05.03.2022

Partner meeting
The last partner meeting took place on June 10, 2022 in Zagreb, Croatia. The main project staff of the partner organizations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, and Spain met in person to discuss the project's progress and to discuss all tasks and upcoming activities.
Das letzte Partnertreffen fand am 10. Juni 2022 in Zagreb, Kroatien, statt. Die wichtigsten Projektmitarbeiter der Partnerorganisationen aus Bulgarien, Kroatien, Deutschland und Spanien haben sich persönlich getroffen, um den Projektfortschritt zu diskutieren und alle Aufgaben und anstehenden Aktivitäten zu besprechen.
Zagreb, Croatia 09-11.06.2022

Have a question? Do You want to learn more?
Don't hesitate to reach out to us! Either send us an e-mail or call us, we'll make sure to reply back as fast as possible!
Feel free to reach out to us!

0049 152 06103353 - Bistra Choleva-Laleva
0049 174 8270046 - Ildiko Schwarz