Welcome to our space!
Our aim is to promote art, culture, education, and care for young and older people.
Unser Ziel ist es, Kunst, Kultur, Bildung und Betreuung für junge und ältere Menschen zu fördern.

BIDA e.V. Kultur und Bildung:

Connecting with people in one place
Our projects bring people from different backgrounds in one place to connect, exchange knowledge and motivation and help make the world a better place. Unsere Projekte bringen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund an einem Ort zusammen, um Kontakte zu knüpfen, Wissen und Motivation auszutauschen und dazu beizutragen, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.

Our differences make us stronger
Through our projects, we help people connect with those who are different and find reasons to reach out to those who might not look familiar to us. We encourage them to work together and find the thing that makes them bond. Durch unsere Projekte helfen wir den Menschen, sich mit denen zu verbinden, die anders sind, und Gründe zu finden, um auf diejenigen zuzugehen, die uns vielleicht nicht vertraut erscheinen. Wir ermutigen sie, zusammenzuarbeiten und das zu finden, was sie verbindet.
Check this video about us
Click on the photo to the left to open the video about us. We made this introduction video as a part of the KeyActs project that took place in 2021.
International project
Local projects
What do they say?
These projects make people believe in the good again and in all the potential that is hidden deep down. You learn responsibility and a sense of empathy.
- Narine, Belgium
These events are very motivating and awesome. An experience I wish for everyone to go through, at least once in their life!
- Dimitri, Spain
The projects are an eye-opening experience. You grow so much as a person. Life becomes way more exciting and colorful.
- Lina, Bulgaria
BIDA's projects have been one of the best experiences of my young adult life. They changed my perspective and gifted me with so much more love than I could ask for.
- Francesca, Italy
BIDA's projects enriched my understanding of the world we live in, which is only possible if we communicate with people different from us.
- Dovile, Lithuania

The projects are a chance to feel bigger, capable, appreciated and encouraged. It’s a strong flow of energy that boosts everyone up.
- Siana, Portugal
The projects help us to expand our horizons, to become wiser and to find people who encourage us to become better.
- Marianna, Ukraine

BIDA's projects allow people all over Europe to experience the strength of a globalised society. I think this is the most effective way to prevent scepticism and conflicts between individuals. And they are great fun.
- Felix, Germany

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Have a question? Do You want to learn more?
Don't hesitate to reach out to us! Either send us an e-mail or call us, we'll make sure to reply back as fast as possible!
Feel free to reach out to us!

0049 152 06103353 - Bistra Choleva-Laleva
0049 174 8270046 - Ildiko Schwarz